
Legislators Acting as Our Secretaries with us like the Borg

American senators, the president and other government authorities are extremely powerful. But this is a topsy-turvy world and power does shift from generation to generation. What if the world of telecommunications and the internet have progressed to such a point where our congressmen could see how all of us really felt on a subject in real time. And as our representatives, they legislated and voted according to our wishes, that is, represented us. They do that already, but only less efficiently than I describe since contact with constituents is extremely limited. Geez, then you would have something like the Borg in Star Trek, everybody's mind being interconnected and acting as one. Today, the word is blog, not borg, but the same idea of interconnecting is taking shape, although no one technology is completely capable of doing this.

In this world, the legislators would represent the people and only the people. Their job would become somewhat more mechanical, since all our views would be perfectly reflected at all times. The perception of congressmen being leaders with agendas would start to be replaced with something closer to a secretary taking dictation from a more participative public.

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