
Congress Fighting to keep the Bush Tax Cuts. Gimme a Break!

We know what happens with tax increases: Spending increases. It pushes the spending problem down the road a bit more. Only if we stop the tax increases do we force ourselves to face the real problem of spiralling spending.

Let's say we allow more tax increases. What happens? We push the tax freeze down the road a bit. Yes, eventually, we reach the time when we can pay no more and we have to force ourselves to face the problem.

Back to the Bush tax cuts. A big show in Congress is taking place: Will we get it or won't we? Let's put it this way: This is something we already had. This is Congress at their very best. And they are working (maybe) to keep it the same. In effect, to do nothing. And they'll tout it as a big victory, a handout for the little guy. C'mon. This was ours, it's not yours, don't act like you're doing us any favors! Just do a job.

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