
The Gov spends $1.41 for every $1.00 it takes in. Do you know what that Means?

They used to say that we worked for the government every year from January 1 to the middle of May, around 135 days. During those days, every penny went to pay taxes of all kinds. The rest of the year was all ours.

Now the government spends 1.41 times more than it takes in. If we were to keep up with those expenses, we would have to work 1.41 x 135 days = 190 days, 55 more days working just to pay their growing expenses.

190 days is 6.3 months, almost the middle of July. What that means is a significant point has been crossed: We are now well past 50% point, where more than half our time is spent working for someone else, the other half working for ourselves.

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