
The Mad Scientist of the Fifties Movies meets Climategate

The mad scientists of the black and white fifties films: Wearing a white lab cloak, they worked madly (what else?) on some new obscene creation that, when completed, would help them control the world. The WORLD! Ha, ha, ha! But there was always a fatal flaw.

Did you ever believe that such scientists existed or was it just a convenient vehicle for a movie plot? Because if they existed in real life, wouldn't others spot them right away and stop them? In spite of the stereotype, I don't think the credibility of the scientific community was eroded by the movies. Scientists were making strides that improved our lives almost daily.

Fast forward to today, the Climategate scientists aren't like that at all. Their methods are different yet oddly, the idea of controlling the world resonates! It's no wonder people didn't spot them for the longest time. They wear cardigans. And that fatal flaw? You're soaking in it.

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